Weather Forecast Oruro


Oruro, Bolivia - Weather Tomorrow January 15

Period : 01a.m.-07a.m.

Forecast: fair
Temperature min: 4℃
Temperature max: 7℃
WindSpeed: 3m/s
Period : 07a.m.-01p.m.

Forecast: fair
Temperature min: 2℃
Temperature max: 5℃
WindSpeed: 4m/s
Period : 01p.m.-07p.m.

Forecast: partly cloudy
Temperature min: 7℃
Temperature max: 13℃
WindSpeed: 2m/s
Period : 07p.m.-01a.m.

Forecast: fair
Temperature min: 9℃
Temperature max: 14℃
WindSpeed: 4m/s
Based on data from MET Norway

Weather Tomorrow January 15

Weather Tomorrow : on Wednesday morning fair, during the day partly cloudy, evening fair.
Temperature from 36℉  to 57℉.
Wind from 2 to 4.
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